Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh so yummy butter!

I remember the first time I had real butter.....I was helping a neighbor lady who lived on a dairy farm and she served homemade bread with real butter.  And real Farmers cheese.  Oh so yummy!!!!

I'm having a few girlfriends over tomorrow so this morning I put my hair back in cute scarf fashion and donned my great grandmother's apron - ready to tackle the kitchen. (You wear boots and blue jeans to the rodeo, sweats to the gym, "work clothes" to work don't ya?  Why not dress to cook?) On the agenda: homemade bread and butter.  If you follow me on Pintrest you can easily see that I love both.  (I will have a link to follow me on Pintrest just as soon as I figure out how!)  Even though I have been at it for 4 hours it really doesn't take long to do....just a few simple steps but it takes time for bread to rise and bake and such.  Here is a link to my current favorite bread recipe:  Courtesy Providence Hill Farm  It's super easy and delicous!

My hubby did good this Christmas and bought some items off of my Amazon Wish List.  I got this darling butter mold and a bread basket, garden book and perfume I wanted.  I also got an army blanket and camping plates.  Yes they were on my list but I had them on there for other of these days I'm going Glamping and going to blog about it.  :  ) 

Back to the butter.  I learned how to make this from the sweetest lady I met at Garden Club and I love how easy it is!  All you do is buy some cream from a local dairy.  I do milk goats but they do not naturally have cream that rises to the top like a cow would.  I do have on my Wish List (pay attention honey) a Cream Seperator that would do the trick for my goats milk.  And I would love one of these wooden paddles to use when I make butter.Wooden Spatulas & Paddles

Anyways....Add the cream to your KitchenAid and let it whisk on low about 4 min until it reaches the whipped cream stage.  You can take out half of it if you choose and add sugar & vanilla and top that lattice apple pie you just made.  Or turn up the dial to high for about 10 more minutes and let it do it's thing.  It's extremely messy so I put a towel over mine.  Before you know it you now have butter and buttermilk which can be used for pancakes and lots of yummy things.  Place the butter in a separate bowl and rinse it with cold water.  You may now add any salt or herbs you'd like.  I chose to salt some and put in the butter mold and made Orange Mint Butter with the rest:

                             1 stick butter 
                             2 Tablespoons Honey
                             1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh mint
                             1 teaspoon orange zest
                             1/4 teaspoon salt

That's it!  The other butter is still in the mold in the freezer but here is what it looks like when we served it at Christmas.

Pretty darn cute, huh? 

1 comment:

Aspen Robinson said...

I might die that is the cutest thing ever :)